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"Almost like Picasso" by Jonn Leffmann
"Almost like Picasso" by Jonn Leffmann
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Search results for: photomo
  • rowena dugdale 12/2/00 
    Description: collage & photomontage illustration
    Comments: Design.  It can't always be about Flash and bells and whistles, though it can be.  Sometimes, it's a matter of simplicity.  Clean white backdrop to cool, colorful visuals and easy navigation is the ticket sometimes.  Today's pick is a sweet combination of design and content, in my humble, but always consistant opinion (not to mention, purely subjective and prejudiced) .  Photomontage art is the main attraction and Rowena's uncomplicated presentation keeps the user focused on the content.  Nicely organized – as a user, I appreciate sites like this one... go enjoy!
  • Laudator 1/11/00 
    Description: Computer illustrator based in Paris, France. Illustration, photomontage, photo collage, digital image and graphic creation.
    Comments: Originally posted to the Links Arena back in November, today's winning site showcases the colorful works of a digital artist in Paris.  I really liked the feature that allows you to change background colors as you're viewing the pieces.  There are four different galleries plus an excellent list of links to other artists on the web.

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