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"At the museum" by Julius Welby
"At the museum" by Julius Welby
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Today's Pick 
"I remember as a child, I would always love to find little spots from normal, every-day sights that were interesting. I made it sort of a challenge for myself, finding the most alluring angle of a common lamp, tree, or shrub. Never had I thought that my passion to find beauty in the most common of places would develop into a love for photography." 18-year-old Konstantin just got his first digital camera a few months ago – high-tech, fancy, and... crappy. "It works perfectly for me." He mentions in several posts that he needs to get a new camera, but when you get down to it, the camera used is a small part of the magic of photography. Just something to think about. And do check out his blog as well. "I will pave my own roads, sing the songs I want to sing, and all that crap Dave Chapelle said." I like this guy...;~)) (RSS

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