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Today's Pick 
While I'm not exactly tickled by the assault rifle logo, I left the site feeling strangely enlightened. First, I took in several zany videos and an assortment of tunes from a group called Punctum! Even though my Spanish is a bit rusty these days, I sat there watching and listening and laughing. I'm still laughing. Then, it was on to the weird visual works of one Chuck Palahniuk – actually some very good collages and motion graphics. All rather odd (and entertaining)...

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Today's Pick 
Paul Richardson, originally from New Zealand, arrived in London just about a year ago and the site presents a dozen photoseries done since then. His most recent views from walking home is a series of night shots along the Thames – very nice! I also enjoyed his shots of some rather well-known faces, taken in a famous wax museum. There's also several series taken in Paris, plus a bonus link today, Paul's old web playground from back home with even more cool photos...  [Newstoday® PBS]

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Today's Pick 
A brand new site featuring amazing characters, human and otherwise, with such distinct drawing style I'll just say do enjoy the works of Havec...

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Today's Pick 
The site's been on the web for about a year now. Julia started the photoblog after buying a new DSLR, hoping it would "force" her to "photograph a lot" with the new camera. She's got other cameras though, including a Holga and another yummy camera from the 50s. And speaking of yummy, what a stunning night shot

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Today's Pick 
Based in Germany, Simon Koy's photographs have been published in a number of print magazines and on several CD covers. His people portraits are incredible and the documentary projects from China and Hong Kong, most interesting (and inspiring)...

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Today's Pick 
Imagine what you might do if you made a movie only 90 seconds long. You just might Go Mental. And if your lifespan was really short, perhaps speed-dating would be in order. "Can you tell a story in 90 seconds?" – a most entertaining collection of very short films...  [NOTCOT]

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Today's Pick 
"I can do things with a sharp pencil and a neat stack of white paper," says Genevieve (a/k/a genviev) – some rather astonishing things if you ask me... 

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Today's Pick 
The collection of 37 photos that Manuel calls "a small overview of [his] photographic work" is so magnificent, all I can do is sit here totally inspired and hope you take the time to take them in. The art of photography, as good as it gets! 

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